12 Step Program

What Do Character Defects Really Mean?

What Are Character Defects? The phrase ‘character defects’ is often used in 12 Step Recovery, unfortunately not in the context that it was originally intended. This often leads to a more judgmental approach by people […]

12 Step Program

How Gentle is a 12 Step Program?

Being gentle and being kind, especially to oneself, are in many ways at the heart of recovery from alcoholism but often get overlooked by a more macho do-or-die culture. Early Recovery It is probably fair […]

12 Step Program

Gods Will or My Will?

Many people in recovery struggle with the idea of God at all, and find it even more difficult to approach or deal with the issue of what is God’s will for them as a person. […]

12 Step Program

The Need to Question Gratitude

Quite often in an AA meeting or similar, you will hear someone announce themselves as my name is so-and-so and I’m a grateful alcoholic/ addict, or I’m a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict. Equally, you are quite […]

12 Step Program

Willing To Go To Any Lengths……

Anyone familiar with this phrase will recognise it from the early part of chapter five of the book Alcoholics Anonymous, which sets out the 12-step program which is the cornerstone of AA’s recovery process. As […]

12 Step Program

Alcoholics Anonymous Sayings

People in recovery tend to talk a lot โ€“ at meetings, on the phone, on zoom and face to face. Sometimes this can all be a bit irritating, but most of the time the things […]

12 Step Program

Are there any Alcoholics Anonymous Audio Books?

Audio recordings and audio books of Alcoholics Anonymous conventions, speaker talks and AA literature have been around for a considerable time, and have grown significantly in the age of the internet. There are numerous ways […]

12 Step Program

What are the AA promises?

The AA promises are a set of statements that come towards the end of chapter six in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, after the narrative detailing the process involved in step nine of the recovery program. […]

12 Step Program

Sober Recovery – What does it Mean?

Sober Recovery Sober recovery will almost always mean getting sober or clean in the context of alcoholism or an addiction, as opposed to someone who simply gives up drink for a few weeks or a […]