Adult Children of Alcoholics


Adult Children of Alcoholics, often referred to as ACA or ACOA, is another 12 step fellowship that has a close association with Alcoholics Anonymous. It is aimed at adults who grew up in a home where they were affected by alcoholism, normally one or both parents, siblings, grandparents etc.

There is a broad consensus that growing up in an alcoholic home can have a number of wide-ranging effects on any individual, whether they turn into an alcoholic themselves or not.

These effects have a profound impact on most children’s sense of self, the ability to trust themselves and the world around them, and their later development as an adult.

Adult Children of Alcoholics has quite a broad focus in that sense, giving people the freedom to explore the whole concept of what their inner child means to them, and how they can use this fellowship to heal the wounds of control that have entrapped them most of their lives.

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