This is a website containing articles and resources about getting and staying sober.

Traditionally being sober meant not drinking, and in a recovery sense normally means being in recovery from alcoholism.

Many people who are in recovery from some other addiction or addictive behaviour also use the word sober to describe themselves, whether or not they are an alcoholic.

The focus of this site is mainly on Alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous, simply because it should make the articles clearer and more focused.

Hopefully, anyone in any other type of addiction or mental health recovery might find some of them useful as well.

Wherever you are coming from, please use whatever you find helpful and ignore what you don’t, or as Al-Anon puts it ‘take what you like and leave the rest’


info (at)


The following disclaimer is published in the footer section of the website

All information on this site, Sober Today, is intended to be for educational purposes only, and should not be thought of as constituting advice on any specific subject, especially medical, legal or professional issues.

Please seek professional help if any of the information on this site makes you aware you may need help in any area of your life or sobriety.