Adult Children Alcoholics

What is Inner Child Work?

Inner Child Work The nature of inner child work will vary widely between different people and can start in early sobrietyย  or in later recovery. People’s discovery of their inner world, and what it means […]

12 Step Program

Gods Will or My Will?

Many people in recovery struggle with the idea of God at all, and find it even more difficult to approach or deal with the issue of what is God’s will for them as a person. […]

12 Step Program

What is an Adult Child and Why it Matters

The term adult child refers to an adult of any age who grew up in a home where alcoholism had been present, meaning that the child would have been seriously affected in several different ways.

12 Step Program

When Alcohol Stops Working ………..

One of the benefits of going to meetings while getting sober is that people hear stories that help them understand their own alcoholism, even if they don’t fully understand it at the time. One of […]